Attend Spirit ~ Embody Peace ~ Awaken Wonder

Welcome Beloved

Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world

Peaceful greetings from the Southwest of the United States – the un-ceded lands of the Diné, Ute, Pueblos. (Find out whose land you are on HERE) Although I do not claim these Indigenous identities, my earth-based spirituality is informed by my relationship and connection to the land I inhabit.

My name is De Anna and I welcome you to Peaceful Lead. Why Peaceful Lead as a name for my business? I have engaged in peace as an action to be held at my core – like the song that says: Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me… As a lifelong learner, I am on a new path as a certified Spiritual Companion. I include this new formation alongside my religious studies foundation in religious education to hold space for all that is our lives. Through an inter-spiritual lens and grounded in earth-centered rituals, practices and spiritual support, I guide individuals seeking ways to awaken wonder and embody peace. I look forward to sharing your journey with you.

but heart has its beaches, its homeland and thoughts of its own

Spiritual Companioning, often called Spiritual Direction, is a contemplative practice of deep listening and attending to the sacred space in a safe and supportive environment. This practice of attending to our soul’s work, draws from long-ago traditions and remains a foundation for individuals and groups seeking the holy, or deep meaning, within one’s self and in the wider world.

I offer spiritual attending sessions with pay-from-the-heart options. Reach out by filling in the form below for a no-cost introductory session.

Image of the San Juan River, Colorado during sunset.

Wake now, discover that you are the song that the morning brings

Image of paved labyrinth

What to Expect

Each session is typically one hour long and can be in-person, over Zoom or by phone once a month or as desired . As your Companion, I listen, attend to, and hold space for you, the Seeker.

Appointments are set in advance so both the Seeker and Companion can prepare to be present to what and how the sacred space is co-created. Some elements of a session can include readings, poetry, music, movement, ritual, meditation and silence. We may wonder about how your soul leans into the mysteries of life.

but the heart has its seasons, its evenings and songs of its own

The Invitation:

Just as taking care of one’s emotional and physical health is vital to one’s wellbeing, attending to the spirit-self engages body, mind and soul to foster care for the whole being of who we are. And just as it takes time for our bodies to heal, we set aside some time, apart from the busyness of life, to attend to spirit.

Image of a blue sky with clouds and sun rays

Let’s Connect

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